Thursday 14 April 2011


Riot Police Opens Fire on Demonstrators in Shiraz/Iran
At 10:00 AM Friday November 22nd more than one thousands students marched through the streets of Shiraz demonstrating against the government. This demonstrations started from Aram dormitory of the University of Shiraz and continued through  Elm square and then to Namazy square. After about an hour government anti-riot forces moved in and attempted to serround the students at Namazy square. While more than one thousands students were clashing the riot police, they started attacking and beating the students. At this time more people started joining the demonstrators and people were chanting “down with ahmadi nejad”. Government security forces opened fire on people and used teargas as the demonstrations escalated.
Many were wounded and some were arrested. Throughout the fighting many nearby residents had their doors open to let in the demonstrators who were chased by


A comparison between the old urban structures of Shiraz in the 18th Century with 20th Century indicates that old structure was better thought and implemented. The main issue in The old structure was a thorough realization of the once built urban mechanism. The old Builder managed to maintain the similarity with the older structure of the city. This implies that the present Structure of Shiraz is not only due to an modernizing process of its traditional plans.Modern urban Structure in Iranian cities was presented in the 1940s. Streets through the old areas of the city and by advancing of a regular grid far from the Old city. This process had a great impact on the core of the city. Structural order of the old areas was disrupted. Configurationally replacement of urban factors and local areas resulted in declining especially in the, syntactically, region of the
residential areas in the old areas of the city. The current researches showed, through two main programs: continuation of the old part; and following the organic lines of natural factors and environment. On the other side is the modern plans of the city. Lack of objective realization of the past, rush for modernizing the city .The major recommendation of this paper is urging for an effort to a more objective realizationof the cities before any designation endeavors.

HamedNour-Mohammadi, a student of Shiraz University, slain in popular uprising in Shiraz by the mullahs’ regime

- HamedNour-Mohammadi, aBiology student in Shiraz University, was murdered by the criminal agents of the Iranian regime on Sunday, February 20 during the valiant uprising of people of Shiraz only because of his protest against the religious dictatorship ruling Iran. The mullahs’ murderers threw down this young student from the pedestrian bridge causing his death due to being hit by a car.
On the same day, brave people and youths of Shiraz, like in other cities, staged demonstration in Mullah Sadra Ave. and Sq. The rally, which was held in protest at the religious fascism ruling Iran and in commemoration of Sane’ Zhale and MajidMohammadi, two martyrs of Feb. 14 uprising, was brutally attacked by the regime’s suppressive forces.
By resorting to such brutalities, the atrocious regime of mullahs attempts in vain to save its faltering regime, whereasthese crimes only make the Iranian people more resolute to overthrow this medieval regime in its totality.



The tombs became pilgrimage centre in the 14th century when a Persian Queen erected a mosque and religious school in the vicinity.
Shāh-é-Chérāgh is Persian for "King of the Light". The mosque was given the name due to the nature of the discovery of the site by some cleric. He used to see light from a distance and decided to discover the source. He found that the light was being emitted by a grave within a cemetery. The grave was excavated, and a body wearing armor was discovered.
